Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.7.9 released - Klaros Test Management - Forum - Klaros Test Management
Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.7.9 released
Patrick Reilly, modified 7 Years ago.
Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.7.9 released
Padawan Posts: 71 Join Date: 2/23/11 Recent Posts
We are pleased to announce the release of Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.7.9.
This release includes a major speedup for servers with large data sets, in particular for large numbers
of projects, or projects with large numbers of test cases or jobs. Java 7 is also officially supported as
of this release.
Version 3.7.9 contains several bug fixes and improvements. Users are strongly recommended to update to this version.
Release Notes:
Version 3.7.9 - 2013-05-17:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1881] - Dashboard reports are not updated for 10 minutes after the first result is created in a project
[KLAROS-1876] - Exception during project import
[KLAROS-1875] - Do not create duplicate ORDER BY statements
[KLAROS-1874] - Attempting to save a property definition for test runs with no name causes an exception
[KLAROS-1882] - Clarify the text in the latest success rate report
[KLAROS-1878] - Allow to add attachments to test results on the test suite runner summary page and the test result page
Version 3.7.8 - 2013-04-22:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1873] - The test progress history report does not properly ignore skipped test cases
[KLAROS-1867] - Errors during table export for the jobs by user table
[KLAROS-1864] - Setting a step result to failed may not result in a test case result being failed in case of trailing passed step results
[KLAROS-1872] - Don't allow creation of new objects while unsaved changes exist
[KLAROS-1871] - Custom reports should not need an active project to be executed
[KLAROS-1868] - Improve list rendering speed, especially for remote issues
[KLAROS-1866] - Support skipped test case results in QFTest and TestNG style JUnit result files
Version 3.7.7 - 2013-03-14:
New Features:
[KLAROS-1838] - Allow specification of dynamic test run parameters
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1849] - Conflict resolution on test case step edits does not work properly
[KLAROS-1848] - JDBC-based Migration does not work under Linux/MySQL default installations
[KLAROS-1841] - Duplicating a test case should put the new test case into the same category
[KLAROS-1836] - Unable to save different properties instances of the same dashboard report type
[KLAROS-1835] - The bulk add test cases button on the maintain test suites page causes an error
[KLAROS-1831] - Issue management custom property fields are not rendered after first forced authentication
[KLAROS-1830] - Password field gets cleared upon focus switch in the user password dialog
[KLAROS-1829] - Project edit icon renders with border under IE
[KLAROS-1857] - Block UI interactions for long running submits
[KLAROS-1856] - Allow filtering of test cases by state
[KLAROS-1854] - The print page for test suite results should show the details of the executed test suite
[KLAROS-1852] - Allow to search for summary and description test result fields
[KLAROS-1846] - Improve report configuration dialog for dashboard to avoid confusion with active project flag
[KLAROS-1845] - Jobs for test suite runs should reflect the success rate of the contained test suite results
[KLAROS-1843] - Replaced execute test case and execute test suite pages with popup
[KLAROS-1842] - Show test suite user-defined properties when beginning test suite execution
[KLAROS-1840] - Improve confusing status message when trying to assign objects to category while in edit view
[KLAROS-1839] - Speed up the rendering of the change history page
[KLAROS-1837] - Show the SUT/Test Environment select lists in their natural order
[KLAROS-1834] - Allow page size selection and excel export on the search result page
[KLAROS-1833] - The attachment table for test cases should cover the whole page width
[KLAROS-1748] - Show a reason for greyed out upload/import buttons on result import page
Version 3.7.6 - 2013-02-08:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1828] - Possible problem in database migration
[KLAROS-1827] - Add the test suite name field to the full text search indices
[KLAROS-1387] - Provide a way to easily access the project settings of the currently selected project
Version 3.7.5 - 2013-02-05:
New Features:
[KLAROS-1815] - Allow direct linking to test objects from outside the application
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1825] - Only the highest revision of test cases may be added to test suites
[KLAROS-1823] - Deleted attachments reappear in new revisions of a test case
[KLAROS-1822] - Status message refresh threads are not properly garbage collected
[KLAROS-1821] - The selected system under test and test environment on the test result import page are not always updated when a project is refreshed
[KLAROS-1818] - Problem while sending test emails
[KLAROS-1817] - Dropdown menus for user-defined enumeration properties are empty in the filter/sort menu
[KLAROS-1814] - Unable to cancel dashboard configuration dialog
[KLAROS-1824] - Allow the use of URIs in the traceability field of test cases
[KLAROS-1405] - Allow to specify more parameters when showing the user job occupation graph
[KLAROS-1344] - Add the possibility to link new created issues to a test case on the "Create issue" view
[KLAROS-1100] - Revision comments should be editable after their creation
[KLAROS-1091] - Display a warning dialog when copying test cases to a new project
[KLAROS-637] - Add an optional default value to a user defined property definition
Version 3.7.4 - 2013-01-18:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1813] - Error when trying to display an external issue which has been removed from the external issue management system
[KLAROS-1811] - Deleted attachments may not be re-added to the same test case
[KLAROS-1809] - The dynamic properties of the current executed test case during the test suite execution are taken from stale data from the last test case excution
[KLAROS-1808] - The full text search aborts with an error upon orphaned test case steps
[KLAROS-1807] - Default enum property field not properly transferred when copying test cases between projects
[KLAROS-1806] - Imported projects are not listed in the export project list immediately
[KLAROS-1805] - Problem displaying change references to existing users in the change history of objects from imported projects
[KLAROS-1803] - Foreign key constraint violation when finally deleting projects
[KLAROS-1800] - Unable to switch to a different set of env/sut lists in already configured reports
[KLAROS-1798] - Problem moving first test case step in the tabbed test case step view
[KLAROS-1796] - Deleting a category group after making changes but not saving can lead to an error
[KLAROS-1812] - Lower memory footprint by evicting expired cache objects on a regular schedule
[KLAROS-1810] - Offer to end the test case execution in the tabular view as soon as all test steps have been assigned results
[KLAROS-1804] - The user status messages should be excluded from the xml backup
[KLAROS-1802] - Improve the speed of test case transfers between projects
[KLAROS-1801] - Support a 'Not Like' filter statement when filtering table content
[KLAROS-1362] - When entering the issue related pages users should be shown a link to the project setup when no IM system has yet been associated
Version 3.7.3 - 2012-12-13:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1795] - Some multi-select boxes on the Create Issue page are not properly scrollable
[KLAROS-1794] - Testing the connection to an unreachable proxy can cause Klaros to be unreachable in some network setups
[KLAROS-1793] - Evaluate-Create Issue always places a link to a test case after an issue has been created in the test runner
[KLAROS-1791] - Clicking retest on the test suite results page can lead to an error
[KLAROS-1787] - Missing resource deleteLockedParam when trying to delete a locked issue management system
[KLAROS-1786] - Test result attachment upload button does not render correctly on IE8
[KLAROS-1785] - Redmine custom list fields must allow empty selections when set to not required
[KLAROS-1778] - Clicking on the user-defined properties tab leads to an exception in the Community Version
[KLAROS-1784] - The need and the way to assign issue trackers to projects must be better reflected in the application and documentation
[KLAROS-1783] - The documentation should be clearer about the application URL setting
Version 3.7.2 - 2012-11-23:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1781] - Editing categories directly after creation can lead to an error
[KLAROS-1780] - Test cases remain deletable for a limited time after execution
[KLAROS-1779] - Dynamic properties are showing up in the order criteria selection
[KLAROS-1778] - Clicking on the user-defined properties tab leads to an exception in the Community Version
[KLAROS-1777] - Skipping test cases in a job execution can lead to an error
[KLAROS-1776] - Editing a test case step result can lead to an error
[KLAROS-1774] - Creating an issue during execution of a test suite leads to an error
Version 3.7.1 - 2012-11-14:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1772] - Manually importing test results without a referencing job fails
[KLAROS-1771] - Users are able to disable their own account
[KLAROS-1770] - Cross-link resolution of object ids in the execute and evaluate sections may fail when the selected item has been excluded from the list view
[KLAROS-1769] - The database migration of the subjob progress calculation may fail for certain nested sub job configurations
[KLAROS-1767] - Do not allow assigning of objects to the category which contains them
[KLAROS-1766] - Transferring test cases causes an error if the test cases contain user-defined properties
[KLAROS-1765] - User Defined enumeration values cannot be renamed
[KLAROS-1762] - Transfer test cases tab is enabled if only the selected project has test cases
[KLAROS-1757] - Backups of very large amounts of projects can lead to HTTP error 414 (Request-URI Too Large)
[KLAROS-1773] - The changes page for Test Case Results should show localized strings for Passed/Failed/etc.
[KLAROS-1764] - Show the initial credentials on the login screen until the first project has been created
[KLAROS-1763] - The full text search indexer should only be launched after initialization of the database
[KLAROS-1761] - Add a warning that the initial account/password combinations are still active
[KLAROS-1760] - Show the version number on the greeting screen of the installer
Version 3.7.0 - 2012-11-07:
New Features:
[KLAROS-1711] - Track and display the job execution success rate
[KLAROS-1675] - Add support for XML import of test cases
[KLAROS-1671] - Implement an improved XML based backup format including all database objects with their complete history
[KLAROS-1668] - Allow access to the related results from the details pages
[KLAROS-1629] - Add support for importing TestComplete result files
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1751] - Rapidly clicking cancel on the issue management authentication dialog leads to an error
[KLAROS-1750] - Unable to create issues in Trac when no versions are specified for the project
[KLAROS-1747] - Bulk add test cases to test suites test case list is filtered and sorted like the test cases page
[KLAROS-1689] - Dynamic property selections may get reset when double clicking on other tabs on the same page
[KLAROS-1321] - Sorting test suites by SUT omits entries with no SUT defined
[KLAROS-1242] - Searching for user-defined properties does not include uninitialized values
[KLAROS-999] - Closing the status message bar on the test runner closes the bar on the main page as well
[KLAROS-1745] - Importing results for an automated test case should set the related job to complete and track the success rate
[KLAROS-1731] - Prevent admins and testmanagers from downgrading their accounts to testmanagers or testers role
[KLAROS-1713] - Try to raise an existing test execution window if it is hidden when starting tests
[KLAROS-1712] - The status area on the test case execution window should only be visible when messages are generated there
[KLAROS-1597] - Test runner does not adequately display the current step in single step view
[KLAROS-1596] - Edit step functionality in the test runner reworked to write comments to individual steps
[KLAROS-1519] - Allow the navigation to user pages
[KLAROS-1337] - Allow filtering of objects by creation date and last updated
[KLAROS-1163] - Show the creator, last editor, creation date, last change date for all database objects
[KLAROS-1123] - The job table should mark jobs that are way behind schedule by color marks
[KLAROS-778] - Input fields should display their content as a tool tip
[KLAROS-565] - Extend the test suite and test case result search options
This release includes a major speedup for servers with large data sets, in particular for large numbers
of projects, or projects with large numbers of test cases or jobs. Java 7 is also officially supported as
of this release.
- The XML Backup and Recovery function now includes more elements, like users who have contributed to the exported projects.
- Test Cases may now be imported through an XML Import interface(see the manual for details).
- The Print View function has been extended to more Klaros-Testmanagement artifacts.
- Test Results may now be imported from the TestComplete result file format.
- Jobs now show their overall Success Rate - the percentage of linked test runs which were completed with the result "Passed".
- Test Results may be edited after test execution is complete. Test Results whose result field is changed will be marked as altered.
- Custom Fields in Bugzilla, Mantis, Redmine and Trac are now supported.
- Test Runs and Test Results are visible from the details page of their related objects.
Version 3.7.9 contains several bug fixes and improvements. Users are strongly recommended to update to this version.
Release Notes:
Version 3.7.9 - 2013-05-17:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1881] - Dashboard reports are not updated for 10 minutes after the first result is created in a project
[KLAROS-1876] - Exception during project import
[KLAROS-1875] - Do not create duplicate ORDER BY statements
[KLAROS-1874] - Attempting to save a property definition for test runs with no name causes an exception
[KLAROS-1882] - Clarify the text in the latest success rate report
[KLAROS-1878] - Allow to add attachments to test results on the test suite runner summary page and the test result page
Version 3.7.8 - 2013-04-22:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1873] - The test progress history report does not properly ignore skipped test cases
[KLAROS-1867] - Errors during table export for the jobs by user table
[KLAROS-1864] - Setting a step result to failed may not result in a test case result being failed in case of trailing passed step results
[KLAROS-1872] - Don't allow creation of new objects while unsaved changes exist
[KLAROS-1871] - Custom reports should not need an active project to be executed
[KLAROS-1868] - Improve list rendering speed, especially for remote issues
[KLAROS-1866] - Support skipped test case results in QFTest and TestNG style JUnit result files
Version 3.7.7 - 2013-03-14:
New Features:
[KLAROS-1838] - Allow specification of dynamic test run parameters
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1849] - Conflict resolution on test case step edits does not work properly
[KLAROS-1848] - JDBC-based Migration does not work under Linux/MySQL default installations
[KLAROS-1841] - Duplicating a test case should put the new test case into the same category
[KLAROS-1836] - Unable to save different properties instances of the same dashboard report type
[KLAROS-1835] - The bulk add test cases button on the maintain test suites page causes an error
[KLAROS-1831] - Issue management custom property fields are not rendered after first forced authentication
[KLAROS-1830] - Password field gets cleared upon focus switch in the user password dialog
[KLAROS-1829] - Project edit icon renders with border under IE
[KLAROS-1857] - Block UI interactions for long running submits
[KLAROS-1856] - Allow filtering of test cases by state
[KLAROS-1854] - The print page for test suite results should show the details of the executed test suite
[KLAROS-1852] - Allow to search for summary and description test result fields
[KLAROS-1846] - Improve report configuration dialog for dashboard to avoid confusion with active project flag
[KLAROS-1845] - Jobs for test suite runs should reflect the success rate of the contained test suite results
[KLAROS-1843] - Replaced execute test case and execute test suite pages with popup
[KLAROS-1842] - Show test suite user-defined properties when beginning test suite execution
[KLAROS-1840] - Improve confusing status message when trying to assign objects to category while in edit view
[KLAROS-1839] - Speed up the rendering of the change history page
[KLAROS-1837] - Show the SUT/Test Environment select lists in their natural order
[KLAROS-1834] - Allow page size selection and excel export on the search result page
[KLAROS-1833] - The attachment table for test cases should cover the whole page width
[KLAROS-1748] - Show a reason for greyed out upload/import buttons on result import page
Version 3.7.6 - 2013-02-08:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1828] - Possible problem in database migration
[KLAROS-1827] - Add the test suite name field to the full text search indices
[KLAROS-1387] - Provide a way to easily access the project settings of the currently selected project
Version 3.7.5 - 2013-02-05:
New Features:
[KLAROS-1815] - Allow direct linking to test objects from outside the application
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1825] - Only the highest revision of test cases may be added to test suites
[KLAROS-1823] - Deleted attachments reappear in new revisions of a test case
[KLAROS-1822] - Status message refresh threads are not properly garbage collected
[KLAROS-1821] - The selected system under test and test environment on the test result import page are not always updated when a project is refreshed
[KLAROS-1818] - Problem while sending test emails
[KLAROS-1817] - Dropdown menus for user-defined enumeration properties are empty in the filter/sort menu
[KLAROS-1814] - Unable to cancel dashboard configuration dialog
[KLAROS-1824] - Allow the use of URIs in the traceability field of test cases
[KLAROS-1405] - Allow to specify more parameters when showing the user job occupation graph
[KLAROS-1344] - Add the possibility to link new created issues to a test case on the "Create issue" view
[KLAROS-1100] - Revision comments should be editable after their creation
[KLAROS-1091] - Display a warning dialog when copying test cases to a new project
[KLAROS-637] - Add an optional default value to a user defined property definition
Version 3.7.4 - 2013-01-18:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1813] - Error when trying to display an external issue which has been removed from the external issue management system
[KLAROS-1811] - Deleted attachments may not be re-added to the same test case
[KLAROS-1809] - The dynamic properties of the current executed test case during the test suite execution are taken from stale data from the last test case excution
[KLAROS-1808] - The full text search aborts with an error upon orphaned test case steps
[KLAROS-1807] - Default enum property field not properly transferred when copying test cases between projects
[KLAROS-1806] - Imported projects are not listed in the export project list immediately
[KLAROS-1805] - Problem displaying change references to existing users in the change history of objects from imported projects
[KLAROS-1803] - Foreign key constraint violation when finally deleting projects
[KLAROS-1800] - Unable to switch to a different set of env/sut lists in already configured reports
[KLAROS-1798] - Problem moving first test case step in the tabbed test case step view
[KLAROS-1796] - Deleting a category group after making changes but not saving can lead to an error
[KLAROS-1812] - Lower memory footprint by evicting expired cache objects on a regular schedule
[KLAROS-1810] - Offer to end the test case execution in the tabular view as soon as all test steps have been assigned results
[KLAROS-1804] - The user status messages should be excluded from the xml backup
[KLAROS-1802] - Improve the speed of test case transfers between projects
[KLAROS-1801] - Support a 'Not Like' filter statement when filtering table content
[KLAROS-1362] - When entering the issue related pages users should be shown a link to the project setup when no IM system has yet been associated
Version 3.7.3 - 2012-12-13:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1795] - Some multi-select boxes on the Create Issue page are not properly scrollable
[KLAROS-1794] - Testing the connection to an unreachable proxy can cause Klaros to be unreachable in some network setups
[KLAROS-1793] - Evaluate-Create Issue always places a link to a test case after an issue has been created in the test runner
[KLAROS-1791] - Clicking retest on the test suite results page can lead to an error
[KLAROS-1787] - Missing resource deleteLockedParam when trying to delete a locked issue management system
[KLAROS-1786] - Test result attachment upload button does not render correctly on IE8
[KLAROS-1785] - Redmine custom list fields must allow empty selections when set to not required
[KLAROS-1778] - Clicking on the user-defined properties tab leads to an exception in the Community Version
[KLAROS-1784] - The need and the way to assign issue trackers to projects must be better reflected in the application and documentation
[KLAROS-1783] - The documentation should be clearer about the application URL setting
Version 3.7.2 - 2012-11-23:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1781] - Editing categories directly after creation can lead to an error
[KLAROS-1780] - Test cases remain deletable for a limited time after execution
[KLAROS-1779] - Dynamic properties are showing up in the order criteria selection
[KLAROS-1778] - Clicking on the user-defined properties tab leads to an exception in the Community Version
[KLAROS-1777] - Skipping test cases in a job execution can lead to an error
[KLAROS-1776] - Editing a test case step result can lead to an error
[KLAROS-1774] - Creating an issue during execution of a test suite leads to an error
Version 3.7.1 - 2012-11-14:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1772] - Manually importing test results without a referencing job fails
[KLAROS-1771] - Users are able to disable their own account
[KLAROS-1770] - Cross-link resolution of object ids in the execute and evaluate sections may fail when the selected item has been excluded from the list view
[KLAROS-1769] - The database migration of the subjob progress calculation may fail for certain nested sub job configurations
[KLAROS-1767] - Do not allow assigning of objects to the category which contains them
[KLAROS-1766] - Transferring test cases causes an error if the test cases contain user-defined properties
[KLAROS-1765] - User Defined enumeration values cannot be renamed
[KLAROS-1762] - Transfer test cases tab is enabled if only the selected project has test cases
[KLAROS-1757] - Backups of very large amounts of projects can lead to HTTP error 414 (Request-URI Too Large)
[KLAROS-1773] - The changes page for Test Case Results should show localized strings for Passed/Failed/etc.
[KLAROS-1764] - Show the initial credentials on the login screen until the first project has been created
[KLAROS-1763] - The full text search indexer should only be launched after initialization of the database
[KLAROS-1761] - Add a warning that the initial account/password combinations are still active
[KLAROS-1760] - Show the version number on the greeting screen of the installer
Version 3.7.0 - 2012-11-07:
New Features:
[KLAROS-1711] - Track and display the job execution success rate
[KLAROS-1675] - Add support for XML import of test cases
[KLAROS-1671] - Implement an improved XML based backup format including all database objects with their complete history
[KLAROS-1668] - Allow access to the related results from the details pages
[KLAROS-1629] - Add support for importing TestComplete result files
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1751] - Rapidly clicking cancel on the issue management authentication dialog leads to an error
[KLAROS-1750] - Unable to create issues in Trac when no versions are specified for the project
[KLAROS-1747] - Bulk add test cases to test suites test case list is filtered and sorted like the test cases page
[KLAROS-1689] - Dynamic property selections may get reset when double clicking on other tabs on the same page
[KLAROS-1321] - Sorting test suites by SUT omits entries with no SUT defined
[KLAROS-1242] - Searching for user-defined properties does not include uninitialized values
[KLAROS-999] - Closing the status message bar on the test runner closes the bar on the main page as well
[KLAROS-1745] - Importing results for an automated test case should set the related job to complete and track the success rate
[KLAROS-1731] - Prevent admins and testmanagers from downgrading their accounts to testmanagers or testers role
[KLAROS-1713] - Try to raise an existing test execution window if it is hidden when starting tests
[KLAROS-1712] - The status area on the test case execution window should only be visible when messages are generated there
[KLAROS-1597] - Test runner does not adequately display the current step in single step view
[KLAROS-1596] - Edit step functionality in the test runner reworked to write comments to individual steps
[KLAROS-1519] - Allow the navigation to user pages
[KLAROS-1337] - Allow filtering of objects by creation date and last updated
[KLAROS-1163] - Show the creator, last editor, creation date, last change date for all database objects
[KLAROS-1123] - The job table should mark jobs that are way behind schedule by color marks
[KLAROS-778] - Input fields should display their content as a tool tip
[KLAROS-565] - Extend the test suite and test case result search options