Klaros-Testmanagement 4.7.1 released

Torsten Stolpmann, geändert vor 7 Jahren.

Klaros-Testmanagement 4.7.1 released

Jedi Council Member Beiträge: 765 Beitrittsdatum: 12.02.09 Neueste Beiträge
We are pleased to announce the release of Klaros-Testmanagement version 4.7.1.

This maintenance release adds over 55 improvements and stability fixes. It features significantly improved page load performance for job and result lists and adds support for secure LDAP authentication (LDAPS).

Highlights of this release include:

  • Significantly improved page load performance for job and result lists
  • Speed up requirements synchronization by pulling requirements in smaller batches
  • Support for secure LDAP authentication (LDAPS)

Release Notes:


    [KLAROS-3074] - Add support for setting the parent job when creating jobs from test suites or test cases
    [KLAROS-3179] - When creating a new job while a parent job is selected, create the new job as a sub-job of the parent job
    [KLAROS-3314] - Add more filter options to the users list and the list of mobile devices
    [KLAROS-3320] - Create a default action dialog for jobs of type task
    [KLAROS-3368] - Show the associated iteration on the test case result details page
    [KLAROS-3375] - Add an 'enabled' checkbox to the user details page
    [KLAROS-3381] - Speed up requirements synchronization by pulling and saving requirements in batches of 50
    [KLAROS-3382] - Speed up loading of compliance and coverage data on the overview pages
    [KLAROS-3391] - Combine the save and import buttons on the import results page into one
    [KLAROS-3394] - Adapt the creation of new elements for the IMS and RMS tables so that it behaves the same as it does for all other tables
    [KLAROS-3409] - The usernames on the user list in the configure section should be links that lead to the details pages of the users
    [KLAROS-3415] - Managers should be able to create guest accounts and to change tester accounts to guests and vice versa
    [KLAROS-3422] - On the diagram on the test case overview page, if a system under test or test environment has no description or version set, show its id instead of a blank
    [KLAROS-3439] - Improve parent job information detail view
    [KLAROS-3440] - Improve rendering performance for job related pages
    [KLAROS-3443] - Make the multi select filter options more accessible
    [KLAROS-3445] - Replace the "Delesect" menu option on the parent job list page with a more consistent "Back" button
    [KLAROS-3451] - Hide the synchronization button for non-synchronized requirements
    [KLAROS-3453] - Add status and test case step count information to the test suite editor
    [KLAROS-3463] - Improve rendering performance for test result related pages
    [KLAROS-3467] - Add support for secure LDAP connections (LDAPS)

Bug Fixes

    [KLAROS-3307] - Unable to select an iteration while editing a report configuration on the dashboard
    [KLAROS-3324] - Unable to perform automated installation under Windows
    [KLAROS-3379] - The external Jira status is not visible in the requirements list until a manual refresh
    [KLAROS-3383] - Exception during requirements synchronization after deleting a custom Jira field or an enumeration value from a custom Jira field that is linked to an enum field in Klaros
    [KLAROS-3384] - Exception while doing a refresh on the inter-project transfer tab on the project details page if the list of source projects has changed
    [KLAROS-3390] - Exception when trying to open the details page of a specific synchronized requirement that is missing a root revision
    [KLAROS-3392] - Testers should be able to edit their own user account details
    [KLAROS-3393] - Due date for a job can be set before the start date
    [KLAROS-3395] - Test suites from JUnit result files cannot be linked to Klaros test suites
    [KLAROS-3397] - For automated test cases, the warning message about test step executability only appears if the test case has no test steps
    [KLAROS-3398] - Exception when trying to save an object that has since been deleted
    [KLAROS-3400] - Rare Exception on list pages if one user saves one or more new elements and another user refreshes the list at the exact same time
    [KLAROS-3401] - The Iteration PDF overview report fails to render if one erroneous test case result is present, but not at least one passed, failed and skipped result
    [KLAROS-3402] - The Job progress rate is not updated during manual test execution
    [KLAROS-3406] - Exception when trying to execute several test cases in a row during a test suite execution
    [KLAROS-3408] - When linking user defined enum fields with remote Jira enum fields the internal id of the enum value is displayed for empty enum values
    [KLAROS-3410] - The language of dashboard report error messages are not immediately updated when switching languages
    [KLAROS-3413] - Copying objects with attachments between projects should create copies of the attachments
    [KLAROS-3416] - Exception during migration to database revision 4.25 due to user defined enum properties with no enum values
    [KLAROS-3417] - Exception when an unknown user successfully authenticated via LDAP and automatic user creation is disabled
    [KLAROS-3419] - Duplicating objects with attachments should create copies of the attachments
    [KLAROS-3431] - Custom field values not saved using bulk edit
    [KLAROS-3432] - Unable to properly refresh bean after deleting category nodes
    [KLAROS-3433] - Exception: Navigating to first root of empty model
    [KLAROS-3437] - Oracle error accessing requirement property links during backup creation
    [KLAROS-3441] - The iteration health matrix on the iteration details overview tab is based on the selected iteration instead of the displayed iteration
    [KLAROS-3444] - Test suites containing only automated test cases are not able to be executed manually although the test cases contain step definitions
    [KLAROS-3448] - Changes to the custom fields by using bulk edit may not be visible until the cache expires
    [KLAROS-3449] - The due date for a review job can be set before its start date
    [KLAROS-3450] - Exception when double clicking elements of the categorization panel during editing of objects
    [KLAROS-3454] - Managers are unable to change tester or guest account information on the user list page when user creation is globally limited to administrator accounts
    [KLAROS-3459] - It should not be possible to duplicate remotely synchronized requirements via the bulk clone option
    [KLAROS-3462] - During test case result import, it is possible to assign two different test cases to the same test case in Klaros
    [KLAROS-3465] - When logging work for a job, the progress rate can only be set by a manager or administrator user
    [KLAROS-3466] - The save button gets activated after navigating from the job details properties page if no estimated time is defined